The day before my second operation, one of my twins came down with a stomach bug. My husband popped to work in the morning and the twins were having breakfast whilst I lie on the sofa waiting for him to return. All of a sudden said twin stood up and projectile vomited all over the table and floor - it was everywhere - all over his pyjamas and even his hair. During the split second that I was deciding on what to clean, remove and scrub first - whilst comforting my crying toddler and trying to stop the other one from playing with the vomit - the doorbell rang. The doorbell?! now? I leapt to the door and answered covered in fluids and breathing like I had run a marathon to a Vodaphone engineer. Our WiFi hadn't been working for several weeks and we had been chasing them for an engineer to come out and help, to which they had said that so close to Christmas they couldn't ensure the assistance- but they had come though, well and truly and during chao...
A young mother's discovery of a sacrococcygeal teratoma and a journey of recovery