As I write this, I have exactly a week until my fifth operation. With COVID numbers apparently high (according to the media) along with friends and family around me catching it and dropping like flies over Christmas; I have decided to wrap myself up in bubble wrap (not literally) and keep myself protected from the outside world so that I do not jeopardise my opportunity to step into the hospital and have the surgery that will hopefully allow me to be pain free for a year and provide me the closure I need, from what has been a traumatising 30 months. Christmas was as magical and warm as expected with two excited four year olds - however, incredibly tiring due to said four year olds waking up at 4.30am ready to find out if Father Christmas has been (always 'Father Christmas' never 'Santa' - I'm British after all) and to begin the festivities. So there we were - managing to delay until 5am, but half asleep putting together every single toy one after the other, like...
I've been completely rubbish this year - I haven't sent out a single Christmas card - I've been so wrapped up with organising the office Christmas party, the boys Christmas presents and literally wrapped up in wrapping paper and Sellotape that I forgot to buy the cards and then I intended to buy the cards and times has moved on and a single card hasn't been bought. So if you're one of the kind people that have sent us a card - I sincerely apologise - I will donate the money I was going to spend on a box of cards to charity and I promise to be on it next year! I've also decided to take some time out in the next few weeks - I'm tired, exhausted and in a lot of pain. My next operation is booked for 10th January (my 5th operation in 29 months). I will be having X-ray guided lumbar facet joint and sacroiliac joint radiofrequency injections, which are expected to cause a great deal of pain, and I will need to rest completely for around four weeks afterwards. I...